Sunday, July 26, 2015

Reflection on Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius

 This is my reflection on Elizabeth Gilbert speech on your elusive creative genius.

When she talked about the poet and the musician, Ruth Stone and Tom waits. When how inspiration or creative impulses hit but sometimes the creatives missed it. I can't help but wonder why? Why not have a pen and paper ready when inspirations hit you. Why not have it always with you? When you are out driving along the freeway, when you are working on an assignment, when you are travelling on a train. Have a piece of pen and paper ready is always essential for all people who work in a creative industry. Because you  never know when an inspiration, an idea, a song melody or a solution to a problem may hit you. It comes at any where and at any time. And when that hits you, you better be ready to record it down or at least jot it down somewhere for future references.

One thing that I do agree with what she had said. I am afraid I will never be successful in what I choose to do. I am afraid I'm going to slog myself to work my whole entire life without having a taste of success. I am afraid I can never make it in life. Earning big bucks and have all the pleasures in the world. We will all have some kind of designer block or artist block at some point of our life. But what are we going to do about it? Sit back and weep because you're inadequate and clueless on what to do? No, we rise above our situation and we go beyond the call of duty, to give more than we are expected to. 

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